Caterina (Katia) Di Rienzo is a PhD in Philosophy and Theories of Human Sciences (Roma Tre). She deals with aesthetics and phenomenology of the arts, and with theories of dance, body and performance. She has carried out didactic and teaching activities at the Roma Tre University, and at the School of Higher Education in Art and Theology of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy in Naples. Among her publications, the volumes L’esito della pittura nell’ultimo Merleau-Ponty (Mimesis) and Per una filosofia della danza. Danza, corpo, chair (Mimesis); the essays Danzare fuori dal corpo. Estetica contemporanea e ‘nuova’ danza italiana, (Ephemeria) and Potresti cadere nell’aria. Nijinsky, i diari di una salvezza impossibile (Ágalma, n.44); the translations from the French by Michel Bernard, Della corporeità come “anticorpo” o del sovvertimento estetico della categoria tradizionale di “corpo” (Ágalma, n.35) and by Guy Debord, Note sulla “questione degli immigrati” (Ágalma, n.34).
She is editor-in-chief of the journal of cultural studies and aesthetics Ágalma, founded and directed by the philosopher Mario Perniola. She has worked with various publishing houses including Castelvecchi and Elliot.
In parallel with her academic and teaching activities, she carries out the professional artistic activity of a dancer, performer and choreographer, training in Caserta, Rome, Montecarlo. A double field that marks the direction of her research and her poetics, currently working on the relationship between dance and visual arts.
She is Alto Esperto in ANVUR evaluation for the AFAM sector.