Graphic design

RUFA students visiting the Central Institute for Graphics in Rome

With the coordination of the lecturer Claudia Illuzzi, the students of the three classes of Graphic Design of the first year visited the Central Institute for Graphics in Rome, located in Via della Stamperia. Born in 1975, following the union between the National Chalcography, of papal heritage, and the National Prints Cabinet, it has collected an ever-growing number of chalcographic matrices, to which has been added, since the middle of the ‘900, also a substantial nucleus of xylographic matrices, photographs and artist’s videos. Today it is a museum organization of international importance, created to preserve, protect and promote a heritage of works that document the graphic art in its different types: from the series to the uniqueness of the drawings and matrices, to photographs.

The visit focused above all on the vision of the volumes of the Orsini collections containing the various types of characters, from Luca Orfei to Giuseppe Maria Mitelli, with the guide and explanation of Luca Somma. Calcographer Matteo Maria Borsoi illustrated all types of direct and indirect engravings to RUFA students, allowing them to also attend a print test.