
servizio di counseling universitario

Ready to fuel your creativity.

Professional fulfilment and individual psychological wellbeing are very closely intertwined. Recent research in psycho-social studies has shown that counselling fosters an awareness of personal wellbeing that is useful to achieve academic goals and therefor to successfully plan one’s career.

RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts has set up a counselling service which is offered for free to students enrolled in any of its courses, regardless of their year of enrolment. The service helps students develop the tools they may need to react positively to life’s challenges; circumstances generally characterized by increased stress levels, poor concentration, creative block and performance anxiety.

The intervention is structured on the basis of two free meetings of about 40 minutes each, whose setting is highly practical and goal-oriented, mutually agreed with the psychologist-psychotherapist. At first the interview will be based on a semi-structured interview, a careful analysis of the question will be carried out which will evaluate the main areas of intervention and the points for improvement. In the next phase, the meeting will be guided by a logic of reciprocity, where the student’s feedback will be an essential requirement for a good performance. The service is carried out by René Angeramo, psychologist-psychotherapist, (Registration No. 15606 – Order of Psychologists of Lazio), expert in psychological and psychosomatic well-being.

The student will have the opportunity to choose to continue their path at favorable economic conditions at the qualified center that has an agreement with the Academy, the Morana Psychotherapy Studio, located in Via Rubicone 27 (400 meters away from the headquarters in Via Benaco). To take advantage of the discounted rate, it will be necessary to show the RUFA student card. For more information on the significant concessions, you can refer to Counseling Office:


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