Workshops & Talks

workshop accademia belle arti

Creative contamination

RUFA offers its students an intense programme of extra-curricular activities, created and structured to serve a single purpose: to provide them with meaningful experiences and knowledge and with artistic inputs, sparking their creativity and contributing to their studies and personal growth.

Over the course of the year, many afternoon Talks are held by key players of the Italian and international creative industry and art scene, in addition to three Workshop sessions. These are divided per discipline and challenge participants who are required to complete a practical project, always under the guidance of lecturers and professionals of contemporary communication that are specifically chosen as representatives of current dynamism and innovation.

This intense calendar of events completes our educational offer, contributing significantly to perfecting the students’ artistic and professional development. Here at RUFA we like to think of the Academy as a place of constant creative contamination. Our Talks and Workshops are perhaps the time when the fulfilment of this objective is most evident.

Talks planned for this academic year:

Speaker: Sylvio Giardina
Curated by: Silvia Vacirca.
22 November 2023 h 16.00 – Aula Magna LIBETTA (G13)

Videogames as a tenth art form
Speaker: Fabio Viola.
Curated by: Caterina Tomeo.
13 December 2023 – h 11.00 – Aula Magna LIBETTA (G13)

La televisione: dall’idea alla messa in onda
Speaker: Marco Cingoli
Curated by: Elisabetta Villaggio.
17 January 2024 – h 16.00 – Aula Magna LIBETTA (G13)

/Imagine: Blockchain & AI for art
Speaker: Luca Martinelli.
Curated by: Enrico Parisio.
7 February 2024 – h 11.00 – Aula Magna TARO

Music&Fashion: a Neverending Story
Speaker: Miriam Brindisi
Curated by: Guenda Cermel.
20 March 2024 – h 16.00 – Aula Magna LIBETTA (G13)

The Power of Type
Speaker: Riccardo De Franceschi
Curated by: Agnese Angelini.
17 April 2024 – h 16.00 – Aula Magna LIBETTA (G13)

Body architecture for kinesthetic memory
Speaker: Luca Pagan
Curated by: Caterina Tomeo.
15 May 2024 – h 11.00/14.00 – Aula Magna LIBETTA (G13)

DANTE FERRETTI – Talk in RUFA with the Maestro
Speakers: Dante Ferretti, David Miliozzi
22 May 2024 – ore 16.00/18.00 – Aula Magna LIBETTA