Photography and Audiovisual

You are not here, make yourself at home

“YOU ARE NOT HERE, MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME” is the answer, in the form of a book (which will never be printed) of the first year students of RUFA School of Photography: academic year 2019/2020.

Each of them was asked to develop feelings, thoughts, worries, joys and fears, compared to the unexpected and new moment they have been living since last March. Photography was just one of the “mediums” they could work with. From a didactical point of view, the children were encouraged to use other modes of expression as well, starting from the images they produced to those found, moving from typography to illustration, from poetry to sound.
The result is a “pdf” that can only be consulted on screen, which sees the individual contributions in the space of a double page. The sequence, instead, elaborated during the online lessons, generates new meanings besides those of the single works. As the pages scroll by, one can see the anxieties of the period that alternate with the need to receive reliable information and, above all, the evocation of normality.

They collaborated on the project: Carmine Ferraro, Flavia Corsetti Antonini, Sara Galletta, Lucia Amalia Estevez, Elena Di Chiara, Gabriele Bruni, Edoardo Di Benedetto, Eloisa Pacini, Davide Gubbini, Lucrezia Ceselin, Ramona Di Pane, Laura Filipponi, Bernardo Battistini, Giorgia Dramisino, Miriam Galimberti, Denisa Gavriloaia, Davide Palombo, Francesca Senatore, Martina Volino, Veronica Malizia, Mario Quartapelle, Noemi Sparago, Leonardo Daniel Valdivia Hurtado, Gabriele Mancini, Nicole Zampino, Fabrizio Tedeschi, Grazia Beatrice Posteraro, Michele Baldi, Stefano Scala, Daniele Del Brocco, Michael Trutta, Simona Iannucci, Lucia Notarantonio.