Fine Arts


Sculpture and Installations

Multipli 2020 – Printmaking and installations made in RUFA

The first exhibition of RUFA dedicated entirely to graphics arts, the result of the work of the students during the lockdown and accessible both physically and online. Reason of pride and opportunity, for the emerging RUFA artists who exhibited, was the “contact” with the public of Roma Art Week.

Printmaking has the fascinating prerogative of appropriating the artistic languages characteristic of sculpture, installation, performance and any other existing artistic expression. This means that new horizons of experimentation have opened up and this is what has been presented in this exhibition, within Roma Art Week 2020 and that RUFA has proposed again within RUFA Space.

The types of works developed range from comic strips to the transformation of a drawing into a 3D sculpture.

The students of the school of Visual Arts who have exhibited are: Alice Papi, Eleonora Favale, Emma Brunelli, Gianluca Ricco, Giulia Bergantini, Giulia Rosini, Valentina Marino, Ludovica Baldini, Claudia Cermentini, Federica Griesi, Giulia Di Pasquale, Miriana D’Alessandro, Isabella Copa, Sergio Gagliardo, Valeria Caceres, Lorenzo Cappella, Stefano Tenti, Alessandro Martina, Alessia Saliu, Davide Miceli, Francesco Politano, Ginevra Miccadei, Giulia Gaia Rossi, Maria Cavinato, Chiara Bonanni, Aurora Augenti, Roberta Corongiu, Yu Xiang Wang, Andrea Spagnuolo, Giulia Romolo, Luca Di Gregorio.

Multipli 2020 – Grafica d’arte e installazioni