Terrestrial Artificial Organism


Exhibition of the Multimedia Arts and Design students: Mattia Alongi, Adriana Aneiva Guerra, Daniel Arno, Simone Bellucci, Jacopo Bianchi, Martina Carbone, Rosa D’Alessio, Francesca Dolgetta, Davide Galofaro, Giulia Vietti. Curated by Daniele Falchi. Coordinated by Giulio Pernice.
11 – 15 July 2022, RUFA Space – Via degli Ausoni, 7.

T.A.O. is the exhibition organised by the students of the second year of the Master’s degree course in Multimedia Arts and Design.
At the RUFA Space, ten works reflecting on the complex relationship between biological organisms and technological hybrids will be presented. The project, starting from James Lovelock’s theses according to which new beings – born from artificial intelligence designed by human beings – are preparing to open a new epoch called the Novacene, will immerse the spectator inside a new ecosystem composed of cyborgs, plants and intraterrestrial aliens. The proposed works will take visitors on a journey in which machines and humans find themselves collaborating in a relationship that, as in Taoist philosophy, envisages the full complementarity of two antithetical terms of comparison.

The artists and the artworks

PUSH by Mattia Alongi

PUSH is an interactive installation born from the concept of information technology communication called BIT, whose range of values varies from zero to one. Man has always had a close relationship with the machine, whose origin of communication can be traced back to the input; in fact, the machine must have an order in order to have a purpose. This connection has led to human advancement and development, creating increasingly complex and convoluted infrastructures and connection networks, thus placing the machine at the centre of everything. PUSH is nothing more than a pure representation of the primordial concept of this interaction, namely the button. We are used to clicking and giving commands to a machine without understanding its complexity and the layering of commands contained within it. The work aims to represent the fascination and complexity behind a machine through sounds, images and synesthesia, projecting the viewer of the work into a sound and visual space.

THE SUPERMARKET by Adriana Aneiva Guerra

THE SUPERMARKET aims to investigate the human race’s ongoing quest for perfection. The creation of genetically modified human beings will change our concept of life forever, but we do not yet know whether this will bring improvement or deterioration. The aim of the project is to question society by immersing it in a hypothetical future in which viewers will be invited to reflect on the phenomenon of genetically modified children. Through an immersive experience, they will be made to question, both individually and collectively, the concept of human beings that will be presented to us in the future.

BRIGHT GARDEN by Daniel Arno

The aim of the project is to create a true dynamic connection between man and nature through digital. Listen to the awakening of a tree in full blossom, listen to the roots underground breathe, and transmit your impulses through the touch of your hand.

VERBO by Simone Bellucci

VERBO is an interactive installation that explores the different possibilities of non-verbal communication. Expressing oneself through language, whether written or spoken, is commonly considered the only available method of conveying information between human beings in an immediate and clear manner. Each of us has experienced, at least once in our lives, the disheartening feeling that comes during the complex processing of deep emotions that are impossible to explain in words. As a result, we regularly find ourselves trying to communicate what we feel through alternative communication systems.
This is due to the fact that we have almost completely forgotten our innate ability to relate and understand each other instinctively. In fact, most people are no longer used to understanding non-verbal communication such as facial expressions, body gestures and eye language. This project is meant to be an experiment where everyone will have the opportunity to experience other languages that are foreign to conventional methods of communication. Light, colour and sound will replace words and invite people to interact with each other to create visual and sound patterns that will enable them to make unconventional connections between participants.


INTERCONNECTION is a project that, through the use of new technologies, allows the user to interact with an artificial nature, exploring our capacity for non-verbal communication and combining it with our desire to create. The interaction will take place through our body, a vehicle of emotional expression that, by moving, will follow our natural instincts.

EXPOSURE by Martina Carbone

The evolution of human beings is a constant process. Bodies and space change, fields of work expand and new senses are explored.
In this perpetual dynamic, what is the next human evolution? According to James Lovelock, everything that happens in an autonomous ecosystem finds a universal meaning: to preserve Gaia. Humans will be the parents of a superior intelligence, of an intellect that will evolve to destroy the Anthropocene epoch. EXPOSURE is a multimedia installation that immerses viewers in an experimental future through a virtual reality experience. The visitor, entering inside a glass box, will be observed by the new inhabitants of the earth as if in a museum. So, what will be the advantage of being human in a world that is no longer anthropocentric?

CAGE by Rosa D’Alessio

CAGE is an interactive installation that explores our perception of time and our subsequent relationship with it. Affected by the actions of each of us, time carries with it all the things we have done or could have done. A monitor shows a closed eye that opens as a visitor arrives. Inside the eye, specifically in the iris and pupil, are videos reflecting social, cultural and personal factors. As the person moves away from the installation, the eye closes, and as another visitor approaches, the eye opens again.

HUMAN CODING by Francesca Dolgetta

If we can think about machines, then machines can think; if we can think about machines thinking, then machines can think about us. The human being is increasingly hyper-connected, what consequences will this continuous use of machines have on the human body?

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Terrestrial Artificial Organism
from 11.07.2022 to 15.07.2022

Event type

  • RUFA Culture

Featured for:

  • Multimedia Arts and Design