Statute of Autonomy

Statute of Autonomy of the Academy of Fine Arts.

Legally recognized – RUFA “ROME UNIVERSITY OF FINE ARTS” in Rome.

Art. 1 – Purpose and activities of the Academy.

1. “ROME UNIVERSITY OF FINE ARTS” – legally recognized independent Academy of Fine Arts in Rome is the main centre for higher education and research in the fields of visual arts, design and applied arts, communication and art education. It promotes the study, dissemination and progress of contemporary creative forms of expression, as well as the enhancement of the artistic and historical heritage through the creation and development of a system of cultural and artistic exchanges with public and private bodies, at a national and international level.
2. The Academy carries out its business and organizes its structures in compliance with the general rules established by current legislation. The Academy also guarantees the students’ freedom to pursue their studies in the various art and educational fields, according to the rules and regulations that govern the Institution.
3. The Academy can award scholarships and grants to students, as well as other forms of support for art education activities in the field of arts.
4. For the achievement of its institutional purposes, as well as for the management and use of its art and book heritage (including external use) and for the dissemination of studies, projects and works produced by lecturers and students, the Academy may, in addition to proceeding with foundations, join initiatives such as consortiums with universities and other existing bodies at a national and international level.

Art. 2 – Academic regulations.

The Academy provides all levels of education and training in the areas of its competence, in compliance with the general principles governing Higher Art and Music Education.
The Academy issues academic diplomas and other academic qualifications according to the current law.
On the basis of special agreements, the Academy can also issue joint qualifications with other Italian and foreign institutions of the same level.

Art. 3 – Legal status.

1. The Academy is managed by R.U.F.A. – Rome University of Fine Arts S.r.l. with registered office in Via Latina 20- 00179 Rome, and with the head office in Via Benaco 2, Rome.
2. The Academy has academic, scientific, administrative as well as financial and accounting autonomy, within the framework of the laws governing it and its Statute.
3. The income derives from enrollments in the courses held at the Academy. For investments, the Academy may use any financing means, within the limits and under the conditions provided for by current legislation.
4. The financial management of the Academy begins on September 1st of each year and ends on August 31st of the following year, and complies with the provisions of the law.

Art. 4 – List and functions of the bodies.

1. By implementing Law 508/99, the organization of the Academy is based on the principle of collaboration between the education, research and artistic production management and administrative management. For this reason, it is divided into: governing bodies and advisory.
2. The governing bodies of the Academy, within their respective competences, define the objectives and programs to be implemented and verify the compliance of the management results with the general instructions. They are responsible for compliance with the Statute, the Regulations and the rules in force (each one for its competences).
The governing bodies of the Academy are:
a) the President;
b) the Director;
c) the Administration Board;
d) the President of the Administration Board;
e) the Academic Board;
f) the CEO.
3. The advisory bodies of the Academy, within their respective competences, participate in the evaluation of the Academy’s activities and contribute to achieving the quality objectives.
They advisory bodies are:
a) Evaluation Committee;
b) Board of lecturers;
c) Student Council.

Art. 5 – The President.

1. The President promotes the Academy and its image at an international and national level.
2. Performs the functions of honorary representative of the Academy in public ceremonies, during events and demonstrations in general, and attends the thesis dissertations.
3. The Director of the Academy carries out the function of the President if he is absent or has any impediment.

Art. 6 – The Director.

1. The Director represents the academic community and is appointed by the Administration Board among internal or external lecturers with professional and management experience, also acquired in multidisciplinary and international fields.
2. The Director has initiative, implementation and supervision responsibilities and ensures the link between the main governing bodies of the Academy.
3. Represents the Academy in public ceremonies, when awarding the diplomas and when it is required by law.
4. He calls and chairs the meetings of the Academic Board and ensures coordination between this body and the Administration Board, presenting their requests, proposals and solutions.
5. He guarantees the technical and scientific collaboration between the different teaching and research structures, to ensure an interdisciplinary perspective and greater management efficiency.
6. He issues the General Academic Regulations of the Academy, the academic regulations of each course and structure, as well as decrees and acts.
7. He supervises the general functioning of the Academy and ensures compliance with all the rules concerning scientific and academic matters.
8. He selects the coordinators of the courses through decrees and implements the procedures to recruit and select lectures and the assigns teaching, coordination and teaching services.
9. He can confer special power to teaching and non-teaching staff and appoint one or more deputy directors to whom he can entrust part of his functions or duties.
10. After consulting the Academic Council, he selects the members of the Evaluation Committee.
11. He may set up commissions and committees with advisory, investigative and management functions on matters of his competence.
12. Has disciplinary authority over students and lecturers, in accordance with the current legislation.
13. Stipulates agreements and conventions with Italian and foreign bodies and with other Academies and Universities, with State administrations, with public bodies and with individuals, natural and legal Italian and foreign persons for all forms of academic and scientific cooperation, and in any case to carry out activities of common interest.
14. He adopts the necessary measures in case of necessity and in situations of urgency.
15. He establishes the date and arranges for the organization of the elections of student and
lecturer representatives in the various academic bodies
16. He has all of the powers that are delegated to him by law, by this statute and by the Regulations.

Art. 7 –The Administration board.

1. The Administration Board (CDA) defines the strategic development of the Academy, the objectives and programs for the administrative management, and promotes initiatives aimed at strengthening the Academy’s financial assets.
2. Proposes any changes to be made to this Statute.
3. Signs the General Academic Regulations, after the proposals of the Academic Board.
4. Its composition and functioning are defined by this Statute.
5. Selects the Director.

Art. 8 – The President of the Administration Board.

1. The President of the administration Board ensures the fulfillment of the statutory purposes and is the legal representative of the Academy before third parties and in court, with the power to undertake legal and administrative actions and requests.
2. He calls and chairs the administration Board and sets the agenda. He monitors the promotion of initiatives aimed at enhancing the financial resources of the Academy.

Art. 9 – The Academic Board.

1. The Academic board is the governing body for training, research and artistic production activities and is responsible for the scientific and cultural orientation and the evaluation of teaching and research activities.
2. Elaborates and proposes the General Academic Regulations for the approval of the Administration Board.
3. Establishes new academic courses in accordance with the current regulations.
4. Prepares the reports required by law and internal regulations.
5. Proposes the drafting of agreements, the activation of inter-university centers and the organization of post-graduate activities.
6. Evaluates the feasibility of cooperation proposals with national and international bodies.
7. The Academic Board is made up of an odd number of variable members, depending on the Academic Courses implemented.
The Academic board includes:
a) the Director;
b) the President;
c) the lecturers, the number is decided by the Administration Board (CDA), when proposed by the Director.
d) two representatives chosen by the student Council.
8. The CEO is also admitted to specific sessions of the Academic Board, when proposed by the Director and through an advisory vote.
9. The Board meets when requested by the Director, who sets the agenda, or when at least a quarter of its members request it. In this case, the Director is required to call the Board within fifteen days, inserting the topic or the reasons that motivated the request on the agenda. The convocation notice must be communicated, accompanied by the agenda and any documentation, at least fifteen days before the meeting.
10. The Board is considered validly constituted when at least half plus one of the members is present. In case of impediment or absence of the Director of the Academy, the Academic Board is chaired by his delegate.
11. The deliberations of the Academic Board are taken by the majority of those present. In the event of a tie, the Director’s vote prevails.
12. Anyone who does not participate in meetings for more than three consecutive times, without any justification, loses his/her seat.

Art. 10 – The CEO.

1. The Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Administration Board, and implements the decisions of the Administration Board regarding the funds for all of the activities of the Academy.
2. He prepares the economic development plan and the initial and final budget and submits them to the Administration Board.
3. Supervises the administrative, financial, organizational, asset and accounting management of the Academy and the management of personnel.
4. He ensures compliance with all regulations concerning tax, administrative and security matters.
5. Provides for the purchase of equipment, devices and furnishing.
6. Supervises, in collaboration with the competent structures, the planning and management of marketing and strategic communication activities.
7. Represents the Academy when drafting contracts and agreements that do not fall within the competence of the Director, the President or the Administration Board.
8. Carries out the disciplinary function for the technical-administrative staff.

Art. 11 – Evaluation Committee.

1. The Academy adopts an internal evaluation system for teaching and research activities, supports measures for the right to an education and administrative management in accordance with the procedures of the UNI ENISO 9001: 2008 Quality System and current ministerial regulations.
2. The above evaluation functions are carried out by a body called the Evaluation Committee, appointed by the Director, after consulting the Academic Board.
3. The Academy provides the Evaluation Committee with the right to access the necessary data and information, and the publicity and dissemination of documents in compliance with the law regarding the protection of privacy.
4. In order to ensure the survey of adequate statistical data, the Academy annually monitors the data related to student enrollments and studies, and the professional outcomes of graduates. It provides students with evaluation questionnaires related to the courses, supplementary activities, general services, and teaching. It manages the questionnaires regarding the evaluating of the preparation of students for partner companies.
5. The Evaluation Committee is made up of 3 members that have proven professional experience.

Art. 12 – Board of lecturers.

1. The Faculty Board is made up of the Director, who chairs it, and all of the lecturers working at the Institution.
2. It supports the activities of the Academic Council.

Art. 13 – Student Council.

1. The Student Council is made up of three elected students and elects from among its members the two representatives who participate in the sessions of the Academic Board.
2. The Council can make requests and proposals to the Academic Board, with a focus on the educational organization and services for students.
3. The Student Council may request that the topics they wish to discuss be included in the agenda of the meetings of the Academic Board.
4. The practical procedures of the Student Council are established by the Council itself.

Art. 14 – Regulatory autonomy of the Academy.

1. In compliance with the principles of statutory, academy, scientific, administrative, financial and accounting autonomy sanctioned by the Law of 21 December 1999 n. 508 and subsequent legislative provisions, the Academy establishes organizational and operating rules through the following regulations:
a. Statute of autonomy of the Academy;
b. General Academic Regulations;
2. The Statute is approved by the Administration Board.
3. The Academic Regulations are approved by the Academic Council and must be signed by the Administration Board.

Art. 15 – General Academic Regulations of the Academy.

The academic regulations, the study plan of the academic activities and the related research and artistic production activities are regulated by the Academic Regulations, drafted according to D. P. R. 08/07/2005 n. 212, approved by the Academic Board and adopted through the Director’s Decree.

Art. 16 – Library.

1. The Library is an indispensable educational tool for the cultural education of the students of the Academy. It is also at the service of lecturers and students and can be consulted by outsiders. The Library collects and preserves the library, audiovisual and multimedia assets owned by the Academy, a heritage that is increased and updated for educational needs, according to the guidelines established by the Director and the Departments. The library adheres to the SBN Pole of the Municipality of Rome.
2. The organization, management and operating methods of the Library are established by the Administration Board, after consulting the Academic Board and the Student Council.

Art. 17 – Publication of the deliberations.

1. All resolutions related to the activities of the bodies envisaged by this Statute must be made known through the institutional website.
2. The Statute and Regulations, the Calendar of the Academic Year and the relative timetable, all their possible modifications, as well as the cultural initiatives of the Academy, must be accessible for anyone who requests them and are published on the institutional website and communicated also through other suitable means.

Art. 18 – Rules for recruitment.

The teaching position are awarded annually, except for exceptions established by the Administration Board the Academy, through a private law contract and after an evaluation of the qualifications of the candidate. To cover the courses, the Administration Board may also implement assessment procedures through a public call. In this case, the Calls will be made known by posting them in the Academic Register and on the Academy’s website.

Art. 19 – Regulation for recruitment.

Applications to participate in the public call for application should be addressed to the Academy’s Director. The application must include the candidate’s curriculum vitae, lists of qualifications and/or publications and all documents required by the call.
The assessment of applicants for teaching positions will be carried out by specific selection boards appointed by the Director. The teaching assignment will be awarded by the Administration Board.
The selection boards work according to the procedures and within the terms established by the laws and regulations in force. These procedures must confirm the artistic, scientific and professional skills of the candidate, acquired through qualified experience.

For any information not indicated in this statute, the regulations in force apply.