
The bamboo shaped design

Margherita Lorusso Caputi, Viviana Mannino, Marinella Lorusso Caputi, Simone Soricelli with “Flamboo”, Margherita Belli, Nunzia Campana with “Spiraglio”, are among the winners of the 2019 edition of BambooRush, the international competition aimed at designing and creating bamboo design objects, promoted in RUFA by Ely Rozenberg. The contest aims to put the spotlight on the characteristics of this plant of a thousand virtues, focusing on the function of furniture for domestic use, offices, commercial buildings, schools, hospitals and other public spaces, with a view to contemporary

The jury, with a strong international vocation, was composed of authoritative personalities working in the field of design and communication: the publisher and designer Franco Maria Ricci, the president of AIB – Associazione Italiana Bamboo Lorenzo Bar, the architect Mauricio Cardenas Laverde, the president of the delegation ADI – Associazione per il disegno industriale Emilia Romagna Valentina Downey, the interior Kazuko Hase, the engineer Liu Kewei and the designer Franco Raggi.

The projects “Flamboo” and “Spiraglio”, produced within the didactic activities, have been realized thanks to the coordination of the lecturer Floriana Cannatelli and with the support of Guglielmo Lisi of the team of the design laboratory that assisted the students with specific advice.