

A talk with Caterina Niccolai

Copyright in the audiovisual field is the theme of the talk to be held on Wednesday 11 December, from 10 am, in the Aula Magna, via Taro 14. The meeting, proposed and curated by the lecturer Elisabetta Villaggio, is addressed to all RUFA students and is particularly recommended for those who are called to deal with the applications of the subject, such as cinema, photography and graphic design.

The talk aims to offer the essential and necessary elements and knowledge for anyone who wants to work in the audiovisual sector, both on the authorial and on the productive side. The legal aspects are all too often little considered, but in the world of professions they make the difference. Awareness therefore becomes not only a factor for growth, but also amplifies the baggage of skills.

Caterina Niccolai is a lawyer and specialises in intellectual and industrial property law, with the main focus on the film, audiovisual and entertainment sectors. Her main activity is to offer advice and assistance to producers, directors, screenwriters, actors and other operators in the film industry. It also deals with issues related to the protection of the right of image and issues related to defamation in the press. He also has significant experience in the field of industrial property, in particular in the protection of trademarks, designs and models, especially in the fashion, design and luxury goods sectors.

Participation in the talk will be open Monday, December 2 and will close Tuesday, December 10, students will register at the didactic secretariat.