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The Erasmus+ AY 2019/2020 call for mobility of professors and administrative staff has been published. The mobility will be towards university institutions belonging to the countries of the Erasmus+ Programme: 28 Member States of the European Union and the countries participating in the Programme that are not part of the European Union (North Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Turkey).

In the context of Erasmus+ staff mobility to Programme Countries, it is possible to apply to institutions of educational and cultural importance even in the absence of an agreement with RUFA.

The locations of the institutions affiliated with RUFA are listed on the Partner page.

To apply for mobility for teaching or training, you must submit:
– the completed and signed application form;
– cv (in the language of the destination country or in English);
– the programme of teaching (mobility agreement – staff mobility for teaching) or training (mobility agreement – staff mobility for training) abroad, for the institution of destination of preference, in order to check the availability and agree on the arrangements.

The mobility for teaching training should contain all the requested information (including the teaching hours – the proposed days for the mobility period) in English.

The mobility for training training must contain all the information required including the hours of mobility and the proposal of days for the period of mobility)

On the basis of the available resources, RUFA sets autonomously the limits of the admissible mobility, for a minimum of 2 days (8 hours) and a maximum of 4 days of mobility per teacher/trainer. Travel days (maximum one day before and one day after the lesson/training) must be added to the days of instruction/training.

No interruption of the teacher/trainer is allowed.

Forms are available at Erasmus RUFA.

Deadline: 8 January 2020

Erasmus+ call staff mobility 2019/2020