Maria Pina Bentivenga_Opera

Fine Arts


Set Design

Sculpture and Installations

Queen Sonja Print Award

Congratulations to Maria Pina Bentivenga for an important goal. Our RUFA teacher has just been nominated – the only Italian artist – with the “Torri” project for the Queen Sonja Print Award , the Norwegian royal house’s engraving award.

The Queen Sonja Print Award has become the world’s premier graphic art award – a wide range of international professionals, curators, artists and art institutions nominate talented artists from around the world for this prestigious award. The shortlisted candidates reflect the breadth of contemporary print around the world, ranging from traditional forms to new approaches involving installations, collages and performances. No printing technique or mode of expression is to be excluded as long as the printing element is evident. The awards ceremony will take place on 20 June in Oslo.

Here are some of the works of the candidate project:


Lanterna II – etching, aquatint and drypoint on copper, 80 x 60 cm 2021


etching and drypoint on copper, 44 x 76 cm 2021