Flavia Softa

Class of: 1995
Nationality: Italiana | Italian
Degree course: Visual and Innovation Design

Flavia Softa was born in a small village in Umbria, a little by chance, grew up in Rome.
She has always cultivated a great passion for art and literature and at the same time a great curiosity for scientific disciplines and technology, a mix that led her to study and experiment in the field of design.
She began her studies with a bachelor degree at La Sapienza University of Rome in Industrial Design, she moved to Turin to continue her studies with a master degree in Interior, Exhibit and Retail Design at the Polytechnic of Turin, and lastly she obtained a master degree in Visual and Innovation Design with an experimental thesis on museum paths. For her, words are a great source of inspiration in design, they are a guide, a means to reach a meaning.
She started to have professional work experiences since 2018, collaborating with Bodino srl, Cappelli Identity Design, BCV associati, Page Service and Vertigo Design.

The project stems from a reflection on people’s behaviour towards museums. The aim is to break down the museum/society divide, to make people realise how necessary art is and that you don’t have to be an expert to be able to interpret or judge it.

OUT guarantees a personalised experience: the focal point of the service is a labyrinthine shaped space in which digital replicas of works from local museums will be placed, these will be remixed according to themes, giving them a different interpretation. Each visitor will be able to choose his or her own route guided by emotions and sensations, will be able to save works with a badge and through this he or she will be recommended a work that best represents his or her route, will have the opportunity to go and see the original in the museum and to explore it further through an app.

In this way, one breaks the gap between museum and society, getting to know art and oneself.