Margherita Marzari

Class of: 1996
Nationality: Italiana | Italian
Degree course: Film Arts

Margherita Marzari, nata a Trento il 17 giugno 1996
Laureata con lode in scenografia all’Accademia di belle arti di Verona e al biennio di Arte Cinematografica alla RUFA. Sempre a Roma ho frequentato un master in animazione stop-motion allo IED.
Ho partecipato a produzioni liriche come assistente di scena e, dopo il trasferimento a Roma ho ricoperto il ruolo di operatrice, dop e colorist su diversi cortometraggi. Sempre nello stesso periodo ho potuto curare la regia di due miei progetti, Bianco come la neve e il suo mantello e Effetto collaterale.
Da gennaio 2021 lavoro come assistente e junior colorist in Chroma Division, un collettivo di post produzione.


Side Effect is a short movie almost completely in black and white and the lack of colors has a very strong narrative value: the yellow is the spirit that appears at Sergio during the haunting and that mocks him, leading him to heal a relationship that seemed ruined forever.
The side effect is the whistle that Sergio hears when he shoots. It’s mostly the manifestation of his inner desire of changing life and returning back.

Who is to blame? Who starts everything?

Is the spirit real or is it only a modern Puck who manipulates events and Sergio until he finds the larice? Maybe it’s just an illusion that for a moment colors everything around.
I wanted to narrate a story of reconnection between a father and his daughter that lost but that still love each other.