Alessandro Gori

Alessandro Gori was born in Rome in 1969. After attending art high school he graduated from the faculty of architecture in Rome “Sapienza” where he taught  in the architectural design courses of Prof. Maurizio Moretti, and in the Interior Architecture course of Prof. Adolfo Sajeva. He starts his activity as a designer at ITALFERR s.p.a. Since 2003 he has collaborated with the Rome University of Fine Arts where he has carried out and carries out teaching activities in the courses of Furniture, Decoration, Design and Scenography. As a freelancer he has conceived and implemented various projects for public and private clients, ranging from Interior Architecture, to accommodation facilities, to temporary and permanent exhibition installations. Among all: Palermo Metroferrovia, Catania node, for Italferr s.p.a .; ROME d + international expodesign; Art for Africa; The art of costume; On behalf of the Franz Ludwig Catel Foundation, at the Order of Architects of Rome he created the installation of: Sensibly Rome-contemporary sculptures. He has developed technical projects for the creation of the sculptures “H2O”, “XYZ”, “DNA”, “O2” by the artist Alfio Mongelli, on the occasion of international events in China and the Shanghai Expo. For Pietro Vannucci Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia, with the design team he oversaw the permanent setting up of the plaster cast gallery and art gallery. As a pupil of Maestro Tullio De Franco, he deepened the study of drawing and painting by placing architecture in a constant exchange relationship with the visual arts.

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