Fabrizio Dell’Arno

Fabrizio Dell’Arno was born in Sào Gaetano do Sul (Sào Paulo, Brazil) in 1977.

He graduated in “Advertising and Communication” at IMES University (SCSul) in 1999, he attended the postgraduate course in art history at the FAAP (SP) faculty. He began his teaching career in the teaching staff of the “Pueri Domus Un.Jardim” Lyceum in Santo Andre (SP) as a professor of history of art and painting. He worked as a professor of artistic drawing at the IMES-SP University, Brazil. He obtained the specialization in scenography in the “cenographic espago, J.C.Serroni”, working in the scenographic sector in theater, cinema and TV projects. In 2003 he moved to New York, where he studied painting and drawing at the SVA (School Visual Arts), returning to Brazil he attended the painting studio of Master Rubens Matuck, in Sao Paulo. In 2005 he obtained his master’s degree in Sculpture from RUFA, where he currently works as a professor of painting technology in the academic course and professor of the free course of painting and drawing.

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