Roberto Pugliese

Roberto Pugliese. “My research draws energy mainly from two artistic currents, that of sound art and that of kinetic and programmed art. Using mechanical equipment piloted by software that interact with each other, with the environment that surrounds them and with the user, I intend to examine new aspects of the phenomena related to sound, analyse the processes that the human psyche uses to distinguish natural and artificial structures (both acoustic and visual), the relationship between man and technology and the relationship between art and technology, giving an important role to the visual aspect. Sound therefore becomes both an object of research and a means of acoustic and visual expression, vital energy that animates the inanimate, a guide for analyzing and stimulating the psyche and human perception. The idea of ​​creating an active relationship between work of art and viewer pushes me to create dimensions in which sound moves, creating different sound perspectives for the listener. Art comes out of a two-dimensional reality to give life to real sound and or visual settings. In this way the user is totally immersed in perceptive worlds that accompany him in the sensory experience. ”