
Graphic design

LRNZ – Password “Contamination”

It would be reductive to define Lorenzo Ceccotti, a cartoonist, LRNZ has a training ranging from product design to graphic design to illustration and this was the great strength of last Saturday’s Masterclass realized in collaboration with ARF! here in RUFA. LRNZ transferred to the students a varied and contaminated knowledge and skills, emphasized how arts and styles should never be an end in themselves, and how only from openness and exchange really original products are born.
“Go on always, without ever stopping. Don’t be satisfied with any result. Under no circumstances.” With these words LRNZ has motivated the students towards continuous research, without ever neglecting technique and attention to detail. The Masterclass was a full immersion in Lorenzo Ceccotti’s creative process, the exploration of his worlds kept everyone hypnotized for five hours.
Appointment to the next and last ARF! Masterclass in RUFA Saturday, April 28th with Mauro Uzzeo and Fabio Guaglione.

Masterlcass ARF! con LRNZ