
Graphic design

Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration

100 years of the Garbatella district in a mural

On the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of the Garbatella district, the Ater – Territorial company for public housing in the municipality of Rome has launched a call for proposals aimed at presenting creative projects with the aim of decorating the blind wall of a building located in the district.

The aim of the call is to preserve the memory of the facts and places, to educate to respect, protect and safeguard the founding values of the nation and the city of Rome.

The competition provides for the realization of a mural that takes into account the following indications:
1) the representations may not have any promotional or advertising purpose;
2) ideas whose message is offensive to public sensibility or refers to religious and political issues cannot be accepted.

The project will be carried out in February, at the Ater building that will be later announced. The wall in question is about 50 square meters. The out-of-pocket expenses for the realization of the work will be entirely charged to Ater. The artist, for the conception of the project, will not receive any compensation.

For the acceptance of the project proposal is enough to send an email to Ater Garbatella, indicating in the subject line “CONCORSO MURALES CENTENARIO GARBATELLA”, attaching a draft of the work to be realized.
The application form must indicate:
1) name of the author(s) (participation in an associated form is foreseen);
2) a short curriculum vitae;
3) the expected size;
4) the expected estimate of the materials to be used.

The deadline of the call for proposals is next 18 January. The result of the selection will be published on the website of the Ater of the Municipality of Rome and on other institutional websites.

Download the call.