
Sculpture and Installations

“In Situ”, when the orientation turns into art – Photos and video

Getting to know the artists of In Situ was very inspiring for the RUFA students who took part in the talk at the RUFA Space headquarters on 6th February, starting at 3.30 pm. Many questions were asked to Christophe Constantin, Marco De Rosa, Francesca Cornacchini and Federica Di Pietrantonio and the answers they gave to our students were fascinating. Each one with their own characteristics that distinguish them, each one with their own and autonomous artistic path that intertwines with that of the other members of the group while maintaining their own identity.

Not a “simple” meeting, but a human correspondence of expectations, dreams and possibilities, from those who are looking for their future, gathering information and opportunities, to those who have decided to follow the path of creativity, between innovation and art.

The speeches, coordinated by RUFA lecturers Davide Dormino, Fabrizio Pizzuto, Emiliano Coletta and Fabrizio dell’Arno, alternated with the report by gallery owners Armando Porcaro and Fabrizio del Signore, thus giving a very complete and diversified overview of the meaning of the word artist and the positive and dynamic implications it implies.

“In Situ” wants to be a reversal of the classic orientation process, facilitating the comparison from artist to artist.