The call for entries for the “Premio Roma Danza” is now online and, as of 2018, will also include a section reserved for so-called “video dance”. The “Premio Roma Danza” is an international competition that was founded in 2001 under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic and takes place from July 8th to 12th. Three years ago, an award for video dance was instituted with the intention of giving visibility to new talents from all over the world who are engaged in digital choreography.
The competing works will be judged by an international jury, composed of high-profile artistic figures from the panorama of international dance, criticism, choreographic and audiovisual production. Due to the Covid-19 emergency, the 2021 edition of the “Premio Roma Danza” will focus particularly on video dance, with particular attention to interpretation, and will be articulated in its various forms of communication: Dance Movie, Published Dance Production, SmARTphone Dance.
For the Dance Movie category, the video submitted must be original and unpublished and must have as its subject dance in all its forms and can be made with any hardware or software for editing. Duration max 3′ – titles excluded.
For Published Dance Production the video submitted must have already been produced and published in the last three years. The following are included: dance movies, dance animations and documentaries aimed at spreading knowledge of the various aspects of society that use dance as a means of expression. Music videos are excluded. Duration max 4′ – titles excluded.
For the SmARTphone Dance the work submitted must be a short original and unpublished video, made exclusively with a smartphone and processed using video editing applications for smartphones. Duration max 1’30”- titles included.
Diversified awards addressed not only to the authors, but of course also to the interpreters. For more information visit the website of the National Academy of Dance.