NON è finita qui


Non è finita qui

Saturday 16 July will see the special screening of the short film ‘It’s not over here’, directed by Cinema student Benedetta Fontana.

The short “Non è finita qui”, made this year by RUFA student Benedetta Fontana under the supervision of lecturer Gianluca Sportelli, will be screened at the Sala Roma in Nocera Inferiore on Saturday 16 July at 8.30 pm. The event is in collaboration with l’Associazione Nazionale No AIDS ODV and la Sala Roma di Nocera Inferiore.

The work deals with the delicate issue of stereotypes, prejudices and clichés concerning sex and sexuality today, with HIV diagnoses still sadly frequent.
After viewing the short film, a meeting and debate will follow with the director and actors Emanuele Maria Di Stefano, Giovanni Marra and Alessio Simonetti.
The aim of the evening is to inform, educate and talk openly about sexually transmitted diseases through the screening itself.


Gabriele, a 20-year-old from Rome’s upper class, suddenly discovers he has contracted the HIV virus after unprotected sex with a girl. Surrounded by vacuous and ignorant friends, he finds himself forced to go to a party in order not to disappoint his ‘pack’. The protagonist thus becomes the sacrificial lamb, the victim of the rumours and behaviour typical of a ‘toxic’ machismo, which inevitably leads to an increasingly widespread superficiality among young people in the 21st century.