Alice Papi

Class of: 1997
Nationality: Italiana | Italian
Degree course: Pittura | Painting

Alice Papi was born in 1997 in Rome. Graduated from the Archimede Scientific High School, in 2016 she began her studies in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of La Sapienza University. In 2019 he embarks on a new course of study at RUFA Roma University of Fine Arts, in the degree course of Painting.

My work unfolds starting from the real data, the definition of space, its geometries, even invisible architecture of the canvas, a space in which transparency finds legitimacy as a signifier. My interest is aimed at the lines intended as a search for the fractures of reality, moments of separation, zones liminal. Landscapes, like bodies, are investigated to find the limits beyond which they cease to exist, where everything stops and nothing takes over, absence, and where everything is possible in perception.

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