Alice Santarelli_Profilo

Alice Santarelli

Class of: 2000
Nationality: Italiana | Italian
Degree course: Pittura | Painting

Alice Santarelli was born in Rome in 2000. In 2014, she began her studies at the “A. Caravillani” art school. As of 2019 she is regularly enrolled in the Painting course at the “RUFA, Rome University of Fine Arts”.

The artist who inhabits me constantly yearns to create images that connect the viewer directly to the pure creative act. What characterises me is improvisation. My inspirational muse is my creative nature, which relies on places where it is not enough to be, but to be there with all my feelings. For me, drawing is like being catapulted somewhere else. I experiment with different techniques in order to understand which is the most congenial to my artistic vein. I paint on small canvases to mute my insecurities and enjoy the intermittences of my heart, which is capable of precise pauses. I like the dark colours I use to gradually turn into lighter and brighter shades.

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