Arte da strada per strada


Sculpture and Installation


Davide Dormino


Javier De Mendoza



The project

Sculpture exits the Academy and invades the streets of San Lorenzo district. At first glance, the artworks resemble busts from the ancient Roman classical sculpture, when they actually represent the diverse characters that cross the present-day Rome. All the subjects impersonate the modern decay of the city: its drug addicts, its outsiders and its unbridled nightlife regulars. The project is a journey through the narrow streets of the district under the sign of a perdition which rises as a metaphor for Rome’s destiny.

This installation project aims at giving back to San Lorenzo its protagonists, dignified by the classical style of the artworks on the one hand and brought back to their truthful tragedy on the other. Art arises from street life, the same street life that shaped the identity of this district. Thus the busts appear unexpectedly at the most unusual corners of San Lorenzo’s streets, placed on cement blocks 130 cm high, questioning the passers-by face to face, not as generals or emperors, as they could seem at first glance, but rather as the true builders of the working-class identity of Rome.

The project was coordinated by Prof. Davide Dormino.