
Franco Simongini. How a work of art is born. A review at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

An important occasion for the students of the academies to know the work of the director and journalist Franco Simongini. The Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, in collaboration with Rai Teche, presents “Come nasce un’opera d’arte”, a video review dedicated to the most interesting art documentaries made between 1969 and 1991 for RAI by the director and critic Franco Simongini (Rome 1932-1994).
“He was a journalist with broad views. He was able to listen, granting the maximum freedom and then
of course, when the service was recorded on film, he skillfully ‘fixed’ it. Simongini
worked on the editing: he was perfectly liberal, had neither prejudices nor points of view
preconstituted. His questions, then, were always very simple, so that they could be understood by everyone.
Television must be understood by people; if it becomes abstruse, it is useless”. So Federico Zeri, his
collaborator and friend, described Simongini in his open and creative relationship with artists, aimed at an intelligent and free diffusion of contemporary visual language through the television medium.
The most significant series of documentaries made by Simongini for RAI are: Ritratto d’autore (1971-1977), conceived as a look at the life and creative activity of the artist, in an open dialogue in which experts, students and studio audiences intervene together with the presenter and the artist; Artisti d’oggi (1974-1993), a series of portraits constructed through long interviews, in which the camera – while the author “confesses” – frames details of the face and hands, alternating them with the close-ups of his works; Come nasce un opera d’arte (1975-1976), aimed at presenting the artists in the studio, revealing through their words and the phases of the work the formative process of the work.

Program of the projections

November 21st
at 12: Giorgio de Chirico. The Mystery of the infinite (1974)
from hours 16: Giorgio de Chirico. The Sun on the easel (1975)
Henry Moore (1972)
Giacomo Manzù: The portrait of Miletus (1975)
Marino Marini: The happiness of sculpture (1974)

November 22nd
Academy 1: excellent teachers and students
from 11 am: Ferruccio Ferrazzi and the encaustic (1991)
Mino Maccari (1989)
Renato Guttuso: Still Life with Peppers (1975)
from 16:00: Franco Gentilini: The girl in the Piazza dei Miracoli (1975)
Luigi Montanarini (1979)
Giulio Turcato (1984)
Alberto Ziveri (1983)

November 23rd
Academy 2: excellent teachers and students
from 11 am: Pericles Fazzini: The Resurrection in the Vatican (1978)
Mario Ceroli: The shadows (1987)
Venanzo Crocetti (1984)
from 3 pm: Emilio Greco (1973)
Lorenzo Guerrini (1979)
Umberto Mastroianni (1983)
Pine Pascali (1973)

November 24th
from 10,30 am: Intervention of Enrico Crispolti
Alberto Burri. The adventure of research (1986)
Dorazio explains Dorazio (1991)
Achille Perilli (1991)
from 3 p.m.: Renzo Vespignani (1976)
Riccardo Tommasi Ferroni (1977)
Ennio Calabria (1984)
Enzo Cucchi (1984)
Mario Schifano (1987)