La realtà che non esiste, il vincitore Thomas Turolo

Arte cinematografica


The reality that “doesn’t” exist, the winner

The Reality that “does not” exist, third edition of the contest: the winner is the script “Tagliata per l’arte” by Thomas Turolo, director and screenwriter from Udine.

“The themes dealt with are very topical and linked to the world of digital – reads the judgement of the jurors – the project is articulated and integrated by different declinations of audiovisuals with great potential able to mix originality and a strong ability to create a world around the theme indicated by the contest. The script consists of two different drafts, one for a linear short film and one for the Virtual Reality version”..

The winning script will give life to a film that will be produced by One More Pictures with Rai Cinema to create a great multiplatform story. The various elements will have a structured launch path and their visibility will be amplified by the presence of prestigious media partners and participation in important events.

The winner will also receive a special prize from Clarice Pinto, Senior Marketing Director of Campari, as part of the events organised by the company for the Venice Film Festival.
